Enterprise Applications



Many executives and business leaders are intimidated by the idea of moving Data, Applications, and Business Processes to the cloud as it helps them in Automating business processes, effective decision-making with real-time data analysis, Improving efficiency, productivity, etc. Companies across Industries are looking to not just transform their business Digitally but also do this effectively. Software like SAP, Oracle, etc has pioneered in the area of ERP.

It is extremely important to work with companies that have the know-how of both technology and domain expertise. This helps in a smoother transition while the data and apps are moved to the cloud ensuring no data loss which is supposed to be one of the many challenges.

Charter Engineering has the experience and the expertise to Seamlessly integrate and organize business activities using ERP software and the cloud while we innovate to find newer ways of providing solutions to our customers.


Expertise in Enterprise Application Development

Enterprise efficiency and scalability are accelerated by Perint EAI solutions.

At Charter Engineering, our innovation-led approach to application services helps you to reinvent your enterprise application portfolio. Building and making use of emerging technologies with speed and agility help in meeting all your business needs.

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Integrated Platform as a Service (iPaaS)
Application Programming Interface (API)
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Charter Engineering's ERP manages multiple business operations and integrates them

Enterprise applications on the cloud are now the norm for businesses in every industry.

It meets the demand and supplies of resources efficiently. It is becoming increasingly important to manage Enterprise applications and integrate business processes seamlessly. They provide untapped insights that optimize productivity, cost, and service levels and enable you to make better decisions than ever before.

Enterprise applications are used for management, planning and administration. They can integrate seamlessly with existing systems, and offer a lower total cost of ownership.

Managed SAP

Salesforce Services

Oracle Services

Financial and human capital management

01Contact Charter Engineering to know more about service-oriented architecture

Charter Engineering offers a unique EAI/SOA methodology that delivers enterprise application integration and SOA-related solutions. Our SOA and Integration Services methodology reduces risks, increases productivity, and improves scalability.

02Charter Engineering helps you with Electronic Data Exchange

We help you create visibility into core business operations and improve performance to ensure a Total cost of ownership (TCO).

03Get in touch with Charter Engineering if you're looking for service-oriented architecture

We at Charter Engineering, combine our expertise in service-oriented architecture (SOA), microservices, DevOps, and business process integration to offer integrated services for the ‘connected enterprise.
